"Gemok is awesome".
this is just a pendapat. sorry awal2 kalau ada yg terasa. im not condemning those who has big size taw. take note!
ok. sebab currently kita dihangatkan dengan AF(Akademi Fantasia). haa mesti terlintas kat kepala otak korang aku nak cakap pasal sape kan kan kan. yup, Bella! the cutest member dalam af tu.
Mesti korang pelik "asal pulak minah ni tetiba nak cakap pasal benda ni. Kau tu ada body lawo sangat ke nak kutok org badan besar ni." Ok actually im not kutok. I just wanna give some so-called inspirational talk to those yg malas jaga badan.
Bila Bella or sesiapa je lah cakap "GEMOK IS AWESOME GEMOK IS AWESOME GEMOK IS AWESOME" its automatically sets in our mind that it is okey to be fat. "No it isnt!"
Get back to reality guyss! Gemuk will give us jeopardy in so many ways. . ok maybe some of you has problem, i mean health problem. because of that you got that big size. that one is okey because Allah gives what best for us kan?
pernah dengar lagu All about the Bass x?
pernah dengar lagu All about the Bass x?
Yeah, my mama she told me "don't worry about your size"
(Shoo wop wop, sha-ooh wop wop)
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night"
(That booty, uh, that booty booty)
i ridiculously love this song! hiks. mmg betul apa yg dia cakap tu. tapi tapi tapi, tengok la body dia, body dia comel2 gitu. bukan big size yg obes, and bila jalan perut terjojoiii keluor tu. seeloknya bg BMI kita tu at normal level.
Aku ni x gemuk. Aku ni orang boleh lagi kata kurus lah. Aku yg xpuas hati tu pipi aku chubby sikit and ada belly fat. Greatfully people see me as kurus lagi. Korang taw kan orang yg dah ada body yg ideal still try hard to maintain. They work harder comparing to those yg ada masalah berat badan ni. Yang ada masalah berat badan ni do nothing kat rumah. sebab diorang set dalam mind diorang, "Gemok is awesome". Trust me guyss ycannot do that. Bila nampak perempuan cantik, jeles. Tapi yall sndri yg xnak jadi cantik. Me myself, bila ada masa leisure, i go for a jog. yknow what, whenever i see fatty ppl jog,aku impress gila sebab usually jarang taw. Kenapa mesti orang body "okey" yg have to go for jog. Where the fattyss?
Aku xpuas hati la, ppl yg dah ada body ideal yg berhempas pulas exercise, korang dok rumah terbongkang depan tv sambil makan popcorn. Nabi Muhammad S.A.W pon jaga badan. Y dont kita ikut cara idola kita tu.
So wake up fatty ppl. Being fat is not what we want. i know deep inside you want to have a body like super model. Not to impress boys, but to impress ourself!
Being fat is risky. Opah aku cerita, ada sorang girl kat kampung aku tu obes, sebab suka sangat makan coklat. Memang sehari belambak la dia consume coklat. The day dia nak dikuburkan, orang xlarat nak angkat jenazah dia. Lagi satu, dia meninggal because of diabetes. takut kan?
i hope my so-called inspirational talk boleh open your eyes that gemok is not always awesome. Kalau ada duit banyak, y dont go for slimworld ke, london weight management ke. aku xmampu, aku mampu jog je. its okey, as long aku ada body yg sihat In Shaa Allah.
So, get your yoga pants on now! do yoga! jangan jog kat luar pakai yoga pants. auratttttttttt ladiesssss. kat rumah xpe. Now, im commanding you to wear seluar sukan! Pergi have a walk every morning. The next day, lari anak sikit. The next day, jog sikit. Slowly yguyss can become awesome. over plak.hehe
Love yourself