What chem e car competition is all about????????
Introduction about the competition
2. Buat poster. Kat bawah ni aku tunjuk poster yg aku buat. X menang or included in top 20 pun. Saje nak save dekat sini buat jadi kenangan. But dont worry, I'll upload the previous posters' example from other universities joined on 2016.
3. To move the car, you must make sure no usage of batteries or any commercial batteries. Oh btw, last time they let the competitors use the laser beam but if i am not mistaken, in 2017, they already banned the use of the laser. The rules keep changing so better read them carefully.
4. What you have to have is a car, if its from scratch it is better, i think you might get extra point from it. But the most important thing about your car that needs to have is that he must move and stop at the right time. BY USING CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL ways if possible.
5. Because you'll be given track, and penanda where you should stop and move. You will also be given a load as cabaran for the competition.
I know it is hard but hey, the prizes are extremely worthy. So you better put your head up and finish creating your chem e car. Moreover, as I have been to the Topglove interview, this competition is acknowledged there. It is an advantage !
My Experience
Aku and my group buat last minute so, kitorang a week before the competition memang tak tido malam lah nak siapkan kereta. Dont be like us okay.
Aku in charge of buat poster. Poster kena hantar a month earlier so, poster kena prepare awal2. Tapi malangnya, all the hardwork untuk siapkan poster ni hancus sebab our poster was not chosen as top 20. Aku kecewa teruk lah masa ni. Sorry geng. But i've tried okay.
Okay, maka tibalah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu, the day of the competition. Kitorang punya competition dekat UMP. Jauh, so kitorang kena prepare tempat tinggal for us and for the lecturers. Oh even the transportation pun kitorang kena prepare.
The most disheartening moment in my life. Our car was disqualified. Sebab tak baca rules elok-elok. Dalam rules dah highlight no usage of lead but we used lead for our power source. Namun begitu, kami tidak putus asa. Day 1 which is hari percubaan untuk gerakkan kereta kami gerakkan, sebagai cukup syarat. Malam competition, kami cuba prepare power source using carbon. And again, kami tak tidur malam tu. Malangnya, kereta tak bergerak sebab current and voltage x cukup sebab kereta kitorang agak berat. Kami cuba sampai pagi, kereta still xboleh bergerak. Pada masa itu, kami betul-betul giveup. Tapi, apa yang penting kami sudah buat yang terbaik.
Jadi, nasihat saya di sini, baca rules thoroughly. Don't simply enter the competition membabi buta. I hope you can do better and win the competition.
Di bawah ini, saya sertakan contoh rules and regulation, flyer, contoh poster and tentative (for you to check the prizes to boost up your confident level in entering the competition). I hope they help. You just have to click the links and download them. Goodluck!
1. Rules & Regulation
2. Flyer (Prizes)
3. Tentative
4. Contoh poster