Saturday, 22 June 2019

Tips Preparation for Job Interview/ Contoh Resume, CV & Cover Letter

Nak tips untuk prepare for job interviews???

Things im about to say here is some experiences that i have before, during and after an interview. Fyi, alhamdulillah i got 3 interviews, 2 in the same month, and 1 iv is the one i just got. Well actually i have posted here before but it is for tips iv for internship. They are actually far from different. I can say, iv for permanent job gives you a whole lot pressure compared to iv for internship.

Ok done with the berleter. 1st thing 1st. I wont mention the company's name since the things i wanna tell you guys here quite confidential. So please appreciate 😂

1. Resume/CV
This is the most importanest thing that all jobseekers need to focus on. Because of what? This is the 1st impression of yours to the employer !!! 

Back then when i was dropping my resume during the job fair in maeps, i noticed something unusual which is quite interesting to me. Okay. I had been taught how to do resume during my university times. I was advised to have colours in my resume but not too colourful. It is important since you want to attract someone to look at your plain paper la kan. But, what i saw there, most of the resumes were just black and white. Not attractive enough to attract others to read. Im not judging but you have to know that the thing is wrong. Try to put ton of efforts in making a great resume. Ive done plenty of times in making one. 

Let me show you mine. Both resume and cv.
A) Resume


You can see all those highlighted ones are the most crucial things that you must put in your resume and cv. No exception! But it depends actually. Some employer want to see this and some employer want to see that. It depend on your luck most probably. So, goodluck. Pray more, play less. Hehe 🙊 

C) Cover letter

Ok. Cover letter penting. Takkan just attach resume and transcript lepastu hantar kan. Kena ada proper ayat before submit the application. Ingat tau, dekat subject letaklah : APPLICATION FOR QA COORDINATOR POSITION. 

And ada orang kata better hantar lewat malam so that pagi tu, bila hr buka email, terus nampak your application.  Andddd hantar time weekdays. Malaysia kerja isnin sampai jumaat je so better hantar resume from malam Ahad to Malam Khamis. Okay atas ni contoh cover letter aku.

No tak habis lagi. Nak explain sikit. For working experience, if you guys have part time working experience, just put there. It is actually an advantage. Some companies when they see you have such experiences, you will be known as hardworker. No lie. When i got an iv in topglove for internship, the manager asked a lot about my part time work experiences since i do lot of part time jobs. And then, try to sell yourself as much as you can using your past involvements and skills but dont ever tell lies! There are some people who lied about their skills. When the employers know the truth, they on the spot banned him from working in that company. Worst, he cant even get other oppurtunities if the employer blacklisted his name. So please, dont ever try to lie. Industrial visit pun a good thing. Last iv i went did mention about my industrial visit. She was like impressed with everything i do. But i think, it just because shes kind 😂

Ok nexttt !!

2. What to prepare for interview?
Tipsyyy ! Memorize questions and answers. You can find them everywhere. Its on the google,twitter EVERYWHERE. If you afraid you gonna be nervous during iv, just memorize. But still, be prepared ! Some interviewers dont ask the same question ! Dont worry, i will let you know what i had been asked during iv right before i end my leteran. Hahahahaks 😉✨

3. Interview outfit

All of my iv, i wore kemeja. Why is that? Not because baju kurung is lame but my baju kurung semua corak2. And flowy. Do you know that baju kurung you wear during iv, some are accepted but some are not? 

Okay tips : baju kurung needs to be plain, no bunga2 or rama2 or paplum ! Kalau nak juga bunga, bunga tu jangan banyak sangat sampai serabut mata memandang. And the colour should not be too bright. Better to choose dark colours like chocolate, dark blue, black, grey. And most and foremost, BE PRETTY. Yup. It helps. Jual muka youuuuuuu and banyakkan berlakon hahahaha 😉👌

Kasut: bertutup and also dark just like i mentioned. A little bit bertumit but not too much macam jalan berbunyi macam pakai terompah tu. You want everybody in waiting room to look at you or what? 🙄 bertumit sikit2 dahla.

Tudung : Jangan flowy. Pakai bawal/shawl lilit biasa sudah la. Jangan pakai macam you want to go to open houses pulak. 

4. What to bring?

Eventhough they dont mention to you what to bring, just prepare
1. a passport picture of you. 
2. And some original certificates arranged in a file,
3. Resume/cv because sometimes they forget to print yours. So better than never ✌
4. Water, while you nervous, your throat gonna get dry

Tu je kot preparation aku buat. So sekarang nak cerita q&a during iv. Eh! Kenapa aku cakap bahasa pulak niiiiiii dont careeeee !

1. 1st interview
1st interview i got through jobstreet. They invited me through jobstreet. So, hey! Apply as much as you can on jobstreet. Ill make tips to apply for jobstreet next time 😉✌

This iv quite tough for me because i was working at mee tarik last time. I took only 1 day off. Right after habis kerja terus pergi shah alam, pukul 1 pagi sampai hotel. Pukul 6.30 pagi dah kena bangun siap. Pukul 9.00 pagi sampai tempat iv. Mine was 10.00 am. Dah la aku ni jenis kalau nervous je sakit perut berak. So bayangkan tengah gelabah2 nak iv aku cari toilet. Dah pakai lawa2 pulak tu.

Moving forward to q&a. Apa yg dia tanya
1.Could you tell me your jobscope during internship?
2. Can you work on saturday?
3. Are you willing to do ot to finish all the pending works?
4. Do you know this that? : this is actually tricky. But you dont have to say you know everything. If you dont know, just say you dont. It doesnt matter. What if you get the job, then they ask you to get it done, but you dont have any idea how to do it. You will doom i tell ya 😂

And masa ni, i told the interviewer everything ! I told him that I went to shah alam right after work, and after the iv i was rushing home since i worked on the next day. They were like impressed enough. I also told them i already have transport and dont have problem to sewa rumah. I just promot myself as much as i can.

2. 2nd interview
2nd interview ni dapat two weeks before masuk kerja yg 1st interview. Yg iv kali ni is a big company. Tapi aku tak dapat company ni. Hati sedeyyyyyyy hati pedeyyyyyyyy 😭😭😭😭

Iv kali ni quite tough sebab dia memang kerah all your knowledge. Ok macamni. Company ni buat glove. So, since i was a trainee from topglove he asked how much i know about rubber, glove and testing yang aku buat masa dekat sana. Aku memang prepare macam2 and cuba ingat balik everything aku buat masa intern. Unfortunately, dia tanya aku pasal compound latex. Memang aku ada buat tapi masalahnyaaa akuuuu takkkkk ingattttt 😭😭😭😭 mungkin sebab ni aku tak dapat. Ok q&a:

1. Tell me about yourself
2. Experience during internship (tengok, sini pun tanya pasal intern. Better jangan buat intern dekat gomen/any place yang tak buat kerja. Sebab experience masa interns sangat sangatlah penting i tell ya)
3. What is latex's compound.
4. What testing have you experienced.
5. Satu lagi soalan aku tak faham sebab dia tanya pasal physical properties test. Time intern aku buat test dia je without understand the whole situation so padan muka 😒

3. I already worked for the 1st company i interviewed about 2 months. But then i get another iv from a better company. A whole lot better since the 1st company, it didnt promot their staffe youve worked for so many years. Moreover, i was an engineering student so i prefer work that will utilize my engineering skill so it will not membasi. Bila dah basi, when you get out off there to find a better job oppurtunity, it will be hard since your skills have fade away. Siapa nak kan?

Ok moving to q&a:
1.tell me about yourself.
2. I looked at your transcript. You learnt food technology engineering dont you. Could you tell me what you learnt. (Transcript kena bagi when you email company for job application. And remember to be prepared with all the subjects. Kalau tak ingat habislah 😂)
3. Salary how much you want. *sorry actually pasal salary ni semua company tanya. Malas nak skrol atas taip semula ahahahha
4. How much % you can give to this job. I mean how much do you want this job and show to us from the % you give. Of course la aku jawab 100%
Banyaknya dia tanya pasal uia sebab dia ex-uia so banyak sembang jelah time ni. Kalau korang dapat senior as an interviewer macam aku, its a great advantage trust me 😂

1st and 3rd company i interviewed, aku dapat jawapan right after balik dari interview. Its all about rezeki tau. Put effort cari, then Allah bagi apa kau nak. Doa pun penting. Doa tu kena in details. Kalau nak bulan jun, cakap kat Allah nak bulan Jun. In shaa Allah, Allah permudahkan. The more you give, the more Allah bagi, so banyakkan bersedekah juga ye. Dont lose hope. Aku apply beratus2 dekat jobstreet, email semua. Cuba je anything you can !

Oh satu lagi. Tips untuk salary. The last iv aku pergi, dia suruh aku tukar salary yg aku letak dalam borang. Aku cakap current job aku dapat rm1800 basic. Tapi aku apply for rm2500. Dia cakap, kalau aku nak 2.5k tu, aku tak boleh letak rm1.8k. Dia suruh letak 2.6k with allowances. Dan akhirnya, aku dapat job tu with basic salary rm2.5k. Alhamdulillah. Korang faham kan. Aku tengah kerja company 1st, but then dapat tawaran dekat company 3rd, so aku accepted the company 3rd. Ok and then, aku bagi one day notis berhenti dekat employer aku sebab aku belum lagi jadi permanent staff kan. Kalau dah permanent staff kena bg 3 months earlier notis berhenti tau! Okay goodluck to those who read this. Dont ever lose hope. Tak dapat sekarang bukan bermakna tak ada rezeki tetapi, its not the right time yet. I wish you all the best ❤❤❤