Sunday, 12 August 2018

Bukit Tinggi PahangπŸƒ

Fellass, so nak dijadikan cerita semalam is my first time going to Bukit Tinggi Pahang. I was currently doing my internship then my kakak pickup me dekat hostel. Our trip pergi balik hari je so im gonna listed Bukit Tinggi ni ada apa for saja2. Hahah. I went to 3 places je.

1. Colmar Bukit Tinggi
2. Japanese Garden
3. Animal Park

Colmar ni sbenarnya a place yg banyak hotel. Buildings yg youguys nampak in the internet is actually hotels. Italian style punya design. Sangat2 cantik kalau nak ambil gambar dekat situ. Look at my baby posing maut dekat entrance. The sky was perfect ! ❤🌈

Dalam tu ada kedai makan and belakang sikit ada macam small funfair. Okay kalau nak tengok dalam dia meh nak tunjuk. Model memang sesuai sangat kalau nak photoshoot sini. Photoshoot kawin lagilah best !

Okay next kitorang pergi Japanese Garden. Japanese garden pun so lawaaaaaa. Meh nak tunjuk few view yg aku dapat capture.
Sooo lovely kannnnnnn. I just canttt ! Tapi before nak sampai sini jenuh jugak lah kena panjat tangga tinggi plus ada bukit bertar sikit kena daki. But xmenyesal punπŸ™Š

Last but not least is the animal park. The animal park so cuten takdalah besar mana but they lepaskan the animals and you can touch them! Feels like in Australia. Acah je Australia pun tak pernah pergi lol. 

Okay tu saje for today. Saje nak story mory pasal Bukit Tinggi sebab jarang dengar pasal Bukit Tinggi. But fortunately it was awesome! Kalau korang jenis macam aku suka places like cameron, view yang cantik2 macam ni you better go. Moreover aku ni suka bergambar ahaks. Okay thats all. Bubye πŸ‘‹

Friday, 3 August 2018

Trip to Bandung Indonesia

I am super duper excited nak cerita pasal trip aku ke Bandung. Sebab, this is my first time ke luar negara. Since 1st time keluar negara of course la first time naik flight kan. Yup ! Memang tak pernah langsung naik or jejak airport tu. Oh baru teringat ! ada lah sekali masa jemput boyfriend balik Malaysia tapi masa tu mata kepala semua tumpu dekat dia je kan so, memang xboleh fokus kat lain pun #ehhhhhhkauuu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Haaaaa.... Nak cerita lah pengalaman aku yg 1st time nak naik flight ni. Memang seram jugaklah sebab most people yg aku tanya cerita buruk2 je like

"ko masa kapal terobang tu nak naik, ko mesti seram"

"ko masa dekat awan nanti ko mesti bedengung xselesa"

"ko nanti mesti muntah" bla bla blaaaa

Worst is :
"Habisla ko kalau terhempas"

Kurang ajar kan.

Nak dijadikan cerita, aku sampai KLIA awal jugaklah dalam pukul 3am lebih macam tu. Flightnya pukul 630am. Masa tengah tggu ni, punyalah tak zabar nak check in. Tiba-tiba nampak org beratur panjang. Kitorang (aku,mak,3 kawan sekolah mak) follow beratur belakang. Sampai2 turn kitorang, org yg duduk kaunter tu jerit. "INI FLIGHT KE DHAKA YE". And we was like WHUTTTTTTTTTT MALUNYA YA ALLAH. NO WONDER LA ALL THE BANGLAS BERATUR SINI!!! Sad but truee. Noob teruks!

Ok ni bukan salah aku eh. Confirm2 lah aku tak tahu apa2 sebab ni 1st time kan. Aku follow je lah. Yg tour guide kitorang ni namanya Pian. Dia ni pelakon sebenarnya which is aku xkenal tapi quite famous dekat org lain. Aku pun terkejut macam mana aku boleh tak kenal. Tapi takdela terkejut sangat sebab aku bukanlah jenis layan cerita Melayu sangat. Tunggu punya tunggu, maksedara aku (Mak Njang, Mak Ndak) 2 org datang dengan 2 org cousin aku (Kak Adda, Atiqah). Aku nampak kek hari jadi. Aku cam alamak, nak celebrate birthday kat sini ke. Malunya ya Allah. HAHAHAHA. Tarikh 20 Mac tarikh birthday aku and tak sangka hari tu hari aku bertolak ke Bandung. LUCKY ME!. So, masatu riuh airport diorang nyanyi lagu birthday. Kek apa nak taw? Chocolate Indulgence Secret Recipe. Ma favorito !

Cukuplah kot cerita pasal dekat airport. We move on to Bandung. Sampai2 je dekat airport Jakarta kitorang dipickup oleh tour guide indon which is very the very friendly ! Dia terus bawak kami ke pusat penginapan namanya Zodiak Sutami Hotel. Before that, nak cerita perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Bandung ambil masa dalam 5 jam. Right after keluar dari airport tu jem nak mampussss! Kebas bontot wehhh. Dengan aircond rosaknya sengsara tak terkata. Kenapa stop dekat Jakarta instead of terus ke Bandung? Sebab agent kami kata tu cheaper. But okay je since xpernah datang Indonesia why not kita jalan2 tengok Indonesia ni ada apa kan. Service hotel tu okay! Just nice!, masjid pun dekat so, dengar azan. Takdela confuse nak solat zohor pukul berapa berapa kan.

Macam ni lah rupa bentuk bilik dia. Masa tu aku terpaksa duduk 3 orang sebab yg pergi tu nombor ganjil. Aku duduk dengan mak aku and kawan dia. They supply us with extra bed so okay lah.

Now..... The most reader loooking for. Our first visit is..... Jeng3. Before that ill listed you out the places i visited but some kena crossed out due to the lack of time:

Airpot Jakarta terus ke Bandung
Makan siang di restoran local
Melawat Floating Market
Shopping di Factory Outlet Rumah Mode
Makan Malam di restoran local
Check In hotel

Breakfast di hotel
Melawat D’Ranch
Makan siang di restoran lokal
Shoping Pasa Baru
Makan malam di restoran local
Kembali ke hotel

Breakfast di hotel
Melawat Kawah Putih
Melawat Situ Patenggang
Makan Siang di restoran lokal
Melawat Dusun Bambu Leisure Park
Shopping Tour : Cibaduyut, Factory Outlet Jalan Riau dan Jalan Setiabudi
•       terus ke Jakarta
Makan malam di restoran local
check in ke hotel

HARI 4 : Jakarta- AIRPORT (B)
Breakfast di hotel dan check out
Transfer ke A
Kembali ke Malaysia

As you can see. 4 days one night lah trip kami. Sampai2 tu dah maghrib. Solat apa semua of course kami cari tempat makan. Tapi lupa lah nama kedai makan tu. Tips yg aku nak bagi is, korang try ayam penyet dia memang superb. Diorang punya tauhu goreng, tempe goreng diorang lain dari malaysia. Soooo juicyyyyy. Kalau korang tak suka makan those things dekat malaysia, you might suka dekat indonesia. Tips agung is, teh o dia bukan teh o kita. I cant even taste their teh o. Even a drop on my tongue rasa macam ya Allah. Thats enough ! Kalau nak try, silakan πŸ˜‚

Eh okay lah. Here, I will not mentioned any of the restaurant’s name because I totally forgot. I thought they have listed out but they didn’t. I know it’s the vital things here but Im sorry. This is soo unforgiveable but Im sorry. Okay now we proceed to where we went.
We started our trip on the next day. We went to Pasa Baru. Ni paling best untuk mak2 yang suka shopping macam kedai Nagoya getteww. Sini punya kain, indon style lah and cantik tak tipu. Harga biase je. Tak mahal sangat tak murah sangat. Kitorang visit tempat ni malam btw. Kitorang singgah kedai buat perfume jugak. Sini memang murah taw ! So belilah apa2 perfume, macam aku pilih katy perry. Gerentiii wangiiii 🌸 so petang tu kitorang pergi dusun bambu. Sini cantikk wehhhhhh !!! Dusun Bambu Leisure Park!. Siniiii pun is a mustttt seriouslyyyyyy! Make sure to put in your list to those yang suka bergambar sebab sini punya view sangatlah cantic. I just canttttt !!!! Cantik sangat! 

Dusun bambu

After that we went to Cibaduyut. Basically this place tempat shopping. Barang takdalah murah sangat. Yang aku nak highlight is dia punya kerepek pisang. Ada kerepek pisang coklat, cheese and so on which is very sedappppp, no lie ! *Tips : Kat sini after korang keluar je dari tempat ni korang will face sooo many pengemis. My advice is don’t ever give them/buy from them anything. Sebabnya once you give money to them/ buy them something, thousand others will come and kerumun you like semut urung gula tu. Kalau x percaya cubalah.

On the next day, we went to Kawah Putih !!!!!! Thissssssss placeeeeee issssss incredibleeeee. The viewww wasss sooooo prettayyy. Even right now I can still remember every single thing I saw there. *Tips : wear thick clothes/ simply bring your baju sejuk because this place is soooo cold.

Lepas pergi kawah putih pergi pulak floating market dia.
You got to experience their floating market, and even the scenery resembles Japan. You can wear either Japan/Korean traditional outfit. The view was superb so this place is a must and should be in your list okay!

Kawah putih

Floating market

*gambar pakai hanbok hilangg. Sho shaddd

Lepastu jangan lupa pergi ciwidey! Sini macam cameron sebab korang akan lalu satu kawasan ladang teh yang besar and tengah2 tu akan ada cafe kapal. Cafe tu memang bentuk kapal cantikkk sangat2.

Satu lagi tempat paling penting is, The Lodge Woodland. Kat sini, korang kena takeover your afraid of height lah sebab most of the thing dekat sini must experience height. Tapi, once dapat gambar from them, you will be fascinated sebab view dia sangatlah cantic. Tempat ni famous pulak tu and people will be jealous of you. Kat mana lagi you gonna experience this kind of thing kalau bukan dekat sini kan! Another tips: Indonesia ni, semua benda kena bayar for example, dekat kawah putih aka nada orang ambil gambar. The gambar you have to pay. And dekat sini pun, you guys nak ambil gambar atas basikal tu pon kena bayar apetah lagi gambar. So don’t terkejut bila sampai sini.

The Lodge Woodland

Apa lagi eh nak cerita. Oh, we were quite late masa nak balik tu but gladly we managed to arrived at the airport on time Alhamdulillah. Going to Bandung is a yay✔ for me. How about youπŸ™Š

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Feedback carmela soap

Dear readers,

Currently i purchased one of the ellyaney igshop's product, carmela soap. Im super duper interested with all the feedbacks so ya. The owner is so kind, the delivery service also great. I paid two days ago and today i check the package is already here in post laju klang. So im gonna embedded my truthful feedback so stay tuned. Today is 2nd of August. I may get whats mine today or tomorrow. According to the feedback i may get the super amazed skin transformation within 3 days so ill update whats going to happen to my skin in 3 days. Again, stay tuned πŸ˜‰πŸ‘‰

Excited to the max sebab banyak free gifts πŸ™Š *bukanmyigshop *forthesakeofgivingfeedbacks

Why carmela soap? Okay. My problem is that, muka putih tangan hitam. Muka not that putih tapi, people keep talking this diffrence is actually indicates that you are originally dark. But thats not true! Its not a problem to have a dark skin but since my face skin tone is wayyyyyy tooo different from my hand skin tone so they will question/assume that way la. I dont want that. Ridiculous you know that!. It just that i dont apply anything to my hands the same way i did to my face. And, i used to be an athlete too. Thats why i have that kind of problem. So, i decided to try up this carmela soap. Hope itll work ! ❤

Day more than 3

I know dah lebih 3 hari sebab still xnampak anything change pun. Hmmm memang ada rasa lembut sikit skin and sometimes nampak makin cerah sometimes tak. Aku takut it just my mindset yg fikir bila pakai je nampak cerah. Tapi bila tengok gambar sebelum selepas masih hitam soo dah cukup seminggu or lebih aku bagi feedback again. So, for me, change after 3 days is invalid lah πŸ™ But itsokay soap banyak lagi πŸ˜‰πŸ‘Œ

A week after

Sad but true. It does brighten up your skin a bit. But i was hoping ill become fairer. My skin looks a tone brighter la. Okay lah th dari takda. Or maybe my skin jenis yang lambat sikit effect dia. Im gonna try until my second soap habis so feedback will be back after my 2nd soap habis lah. So stay tune ! πŸ˜‰

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Experiences as a Compounding Trainee at Top Glove

Aku dah sebulan kerja as trainee dekat Top Glove so teringin sangat nak menulis sikit cerita pasal pengalaman dekat TG ni. So far so good. But let me tell you from A to Z. Before that, nak bagitahu sikit details. Aku trainee dekat factory 10 and put under department Compounding. Sebab different factory lain cerita dia. Dari segi teamwork, racist pun ada, good system, bad system, good and bad worker/staffs. To whom I reported to? I don’t think its appropriate to mention his name but he is one of the best leader Ive ever known dekat TG tu. He is the assistant manager which I can say, I am vey grateful to work with him.

The Beginning
If you wonder why kenapa aku letak tittle the beginning tu, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. TRUST ME GUYSSSS THIS AINT JOKE !!! Even 1st day pun korang will be serabut dengan too much informations. Serabut sebab banyak benda korang kena brain. Seriously, susah sangat nak faham. Korang will register at 8am and scan thumbprint dalam office to activate your thumbprint. Okay nak bagi tips kat sini, any fingers pun boleh so better korang use jari telunjuk. Aku punya jari tu not function at that time so I have to use my thumb. It was quite difficult la sebab kena senget2 badan masa nak thumbprint in/out. Trust me. Korang kalau dah jadi trainee/staff korang akan faham.
Nak dijadikan cerita, TG ni agak complicated sikit sebab company besar kan, so dia akan explain pasal report and everything.Dengar cerita ada trainee yg left on 2nd day of training. HAHAHAHAHA ! FYI I did feel that way sebab trust me kerja memang penat.

Projects Started
TG ni famous dengan banyak projects given to the trainees. But this kind of thinking don’t ever put it in your mind. Sebab only certain factory je yg macamtu. But for my case,yesssss! I have tons. Masuk2 terus bagi 3 projects. And now, dah ada 4 nak masuk 5 but I am too busy so lagi satu tu pending dlu lah. Kawan aku from F2 OHMAIIIIII dia ada 2 projects je after sebulan kerja. Like whatttt! Itu pon dia punya satu project kena cancel. Gila best kan!!! Aku ni boleh kata tiap hari busuk sebab berkejar nak siapkan project. Tambah2 kalau ada yg berhati busuk tambahkan kerja aku dengan kerja diorang lagilahhh Ya Allah. Trainee memang akan dibuli. Pheww bikin panassss~πŸ€“πŸ€§πŸ˜…

How was work
So far so good like I said. Okay! This is the important part that people will dying to search for this topic. I was damn struggle since the first day I came taw. Even 2nd day pun kerja banyak. Project banyak is a good thing actually. Even kau rasa macam kau dah nak mati tapi think about your future, kalau employer tanya kau, apa kau buat dekat TG as trainee. Kalau kau ada project berlambak macam aku ni for God sake kau ceritalah dekat dia semua benda sampai dia nganga and amazed dengan kau. Boleh banyangkan tak intern without doing anything? Korang nak gebang apa dekat employer/interviewer nanti?πŸ’Ό Banyak cases from my friends, trainee bagi kerja stapler, photostat and so on. So bersyukurlah kamu wahai manusia.
Okay2, trainee as compounding dekat F10, dekat F10 je eh sebab factory lain punya trainee comp lain pulak cerita diorang. Aku ni perempuan. Masa aku sampai2 office for the 1st time I met the former trainee which dia nak habis dah after 3 days aku masuk tu. Dia macam terkejut sebab perempuan yg masuk but the fact is trainee compounding kerja like lelaki tau. Angkat drum berat2, latex, cari chemical, go to other factory ambil sample which is not sesuai for girls. But abaikan semua tu. Look at me now! Still survive. Ive heard ada few trainees after 2 days and some a week after, terus blah tak tahan. It depends, as long as you have the spirit, you'll stay πŸ˜š.

What kind of work do I do ?☠
1.Chemical test
So far test yg aku dah buat is :
-          Alkalinity test
-          Corrosion test
-          Cleaning efficiency test
-          TSC
-          TSS
-          Coagulum test
-          MST test
-          Swelling Index (SI)
-          Physical properties test
-          Zeta potential test
-          Particle size test
-          Ash content
-          Powder content
-          Viscosity test
-          Antifoaming test
-          Handdip (make gloves)
-          Lump formation test

2. DWR (daily working report)
This is a must for everyday. Apa yg kau buat haritu, kena letak dalam DWR. Tak payah rasa terbeban pun sebab ni helps a lot for logbook. Kalau korang lupa nak tulis apa dalam U logbook tu, c/p je balik dari DWR.

3.  Suggestions
Every month kena bagi 2 suggestion. Suggest je apa2 janji logic. Kalau lepas due date, kena double suggestions so 4 suggestions. Hamek kau!

4.  Missing fingerprints
Ni paling aku benci sebab kalau missing fingerprints ni kau biar, ni lah punca gaji kena potong. Yang bengangnya, bukan main system ni kena access system tu kena access at the end system diorang yg problem, kita lah yg susah. Nak cerita steps kat sini untuk cover balik duit2 yg kena potong tu susah. Susah sebab banyak, so advice from me is, every month cek. Kalau xfaham, tanya buddy (staff hired to help you. Act as your real buddy. Kalau dapat yg peramah and baik best lah)🐼
5. OJT (On Job Training)
This is korang kena jumpa HOD every departments, book masa dengan diorang so that diorang boleh tutor about department diorang. Benda ni kena buat report at least 10. So, kena pergi at least 10 departments. Dah siap report, minta sign diorang pulak. Dah minta, kena hantar dekat Admin. Due date dia is a month after masuk. Better buat awal2 lah sebab time tu tengah tak busy. Tapi, time aku awal2 pun dah busy kadang datang lambat for OJT. Tapi diorang okay je.

6. Transportation & Accommodation
Out of topic sikit tapi kat sini transport penting. Dia akan bagi hostel yg 8min from factory. Memang la bunyi macam dekat tapi kalau nak jalan dari hostel ke factory kinda boleh mati kot which is impossible. Rumah ni dia sediakan everything (tv, fridge, sofa, katil, bantal) kecuali cadar and almari/locker. Aku beli yg rack sambung sendiri tu murah sikit.
This one i got cabutan bertuah for raya celebration eventho i prayed for not to. Sebab ramai sangat org at that time so malu2 kucing even nak jalan in front of them. I got weight balance taw maybe dia perli aku kot makin gemuk dok sini. Work hard eat hard la kan. See not all i get torns here, sometimes i do get roses. Pray to Allah that you can withstand all the circumstances. Allah will always help. Remembered those time i prayed to Allah "nak topglove as my place for internship" and now He gives me just like that. I cudnt ask for more ❤

Ni paling besttt. Korang boleh masuk gym dia FOR FREEEEEE! 1st time masuk bring badge card then register dengan receptionist tu then walakhhh ! Siap!!! Everytime nak masuk just thumbprint je. Serious gym dia best rugi xpergi.! And diorang ada schedule for zumba, yoga, boxing for free jugak so feel free to come. Rugi la intern topglove tapi tak try out all these facilities kan !πŸ˜‰

Aku once pergi TG GOT TALENT tawww. Aku tak expect dia buat dekat ballroom. Balloom dia tu sangatlah gedevu gedevas uollss! Tapi makan mihun je. Xkisahlah janji experience masuk ballroom tu memang superb ! 

So far ni je yg aku mampu cerita sebab rasanya memang ni je. If any curiosity, you can leave your comments.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Contoh Template Resume & Tips Interview Topglove πŸ”›✖️πŸ”›

Sekarang, aku dah final year 1st sem so, after this current sem, aku akan menghadapi internship. So, gigih lah cari tempat intern. Dekat UIA diorang already sediakan database tempat2 internship but most of them dah tak valid sebab dah lama tak update. Sebelum aku dapat topglove, aku dapat other company which is Dr Orizi Sdn Bhd. Ive visited that factory once, dia macam company kecil. Based on offer letter yg dia bagi aku, dia kilang buat kosmetik. Aku terus terima sebab dia setengah jam dari rumah aku. Kilang tu at Kawasan Perindustrian Ipoh, Taman Tasek. Memang target aku nak cari near house so that aku boleh stay dekat rumah for 3 months. Siapa taknak kanπŸ˜‹

Ok dekat sini nak bagitahu resume sangat penting. Aku berterima kasih dekat kawan aku sorang ni sebab aku completely tiru template dia. Ni aku nak tunjuk aku punya resume sebab one of aku punya lecturer puji resume aku ni. Dia cakap very clear. But kena ingat, resume punya details kena tukar untuk different company. Contohnya, korang ask for petronas which is diorang tekankan oil&gas so, buat resume more towards on that field, bukan memasak. FOR EXAMPLE la😜😝😚

Korang nampak tak aku simpply letak kerja part time aku yg aku pernah buat. This is very important details yg ramai tak tahu. Im going to elaborate further masa aku iv dengan Topglove.

Nak dijadikan cerita, kawan aku ajak pergi career fair. Ada booth company topglove dekat situ. Mula2 aku hesitate jugak sebab aku expect company ni ada high expectation which is nak student with cgpa > 3.2. Aku dah lah baru cecah 3.0 this sem. Yes, aku bukanlah pandai sangat eventho muka nampak pandai. Aku pon apply online dekat lappy yg diorang sediakan dekat booth. Diorang tak bagi drop resume dekat situ. maybe kalau too many resumes macam mana nak tapis satu2 kan.

A week after luckily aku dapat email from topglove yang mengatakan aku being chosen to do iv dekat situ. Aku terkejut lah sebab aku apply pun cuba nasib and ingatkan impossible nak dapat. So, aku tahulah at that moment diorangs serap student with cgpa > 3.0. Alhamdulillah.

My senior yg dah kerja about a year dekat situ contacted aku saying that untuk kerja bawah R&D dekat situ you have to have cgpa > 3.5. Disebabkan aku below than that, aku kerja under compounding which will be fully dalam factory yg panas. But nvm, kita intern ni nak belajar bukan nak melawa nak berlagak depan org kita dapat company besar. Aku tak pakai cable pun taw. Dia dapat tahu after aku dapat offer letter !!!

How was the IV???

Aku punya iv pukul 2.30. Aku sampai situ dalam pukul 1.30pm. Aku iv dekat factory 9. Jangan risau, masa diorang bagi email mengatakan bahawasanya korang diterima for iv, diorang bagi sekali peta. Dont worry !

1. Setelah korang melangkah masuk dalam factory tersebut, korang akan jumpa Pak Guard dulu. Dekat situ, korang kena drop phone. Yes, phone will not be allowed during iv. So make sure ws tele call parents korang tell them about this.

2. Solat kan tiang agama so, solat la zohor dulu barulah barakah nak iv. Korang tanya je pakgad tu mana surau. Dia bagi direction nanti.

3. Korang masuk office dia, and jumpa receptionist dia terus. Nanti diorang akan bagi paper. Paper tu lah exam bertulis yg korang kena ambil. Soalan dia? Banyak kene revise balik pasal percentage, and some for IQ test.

4. Lepastu, baru dia minta documents yg dia senaraikan dalam email tu. jangan tak bawa pulak. Masa aku dulu ada sorang brother tak bawak.

5. Lepas tu, the person in charge gonna take you for timbang berat and height.

6. Haaaa lepastu barulah iv. Soalan2 yg dia tanya aku adalah seperti berikut :

i) Introduce to me about you.
Dekat sini tips yg aku boleh bagi aku xtahula menjadi ke tak,tapi korang kena bgtahu berapa adik bradik korang semua, mak ayah kerja apa. But not too much. Silap aku is, aku didnt expect dia nak tahu, so aku cerita subject apa aku ambil dekat UIA ni. Means aku crita semua pasal aku. Lepastu, dia tanya pasal family aku, baru aku explain satu2🀣🀣🀣. Sebab masa aku iv UTP, aku cerita pasal family aku kena cut. Siap kena marah lagi. Obviously aku xdapat so, ingatkan nak take that as pengajaran. LOL

ii) Why do you take this course ?
Dekat sini aku confident gila cakap sebab aku suka sangat biology sebab masa SPM dulu this is the only science subject i got A solid. Other i got A-. Kenapa silap? sebab, company ni major dia chemical so, korang kena focus on that okay !

iii) I see you do a lot of part time works. Why is that ?
Haaaa sekarang nampak dah kenapa aku suruh letak kerja part time dalam resume. Banyak advantages dia. Employer suka orang2 yg dah ada pengalaman kerja even kerjajual jambu/kasut macam aku ni.

iv) What do you know about topglove ?
Yang ni aku hafal dah nak cakap apa tapi aku lupa sebab terlebih nervous so, do some research okay !

v) Dia akan terangkan gaji, accommodation and dia akan tanya pasal transport sebab dia sediakan accommodation je. Gaji dia every year tukar2. Time aku dapat RM 1100.00. Banyak kanπŸ’ƒ

vi) Do you have any question ?
Part ni ramai orang silap. Selalunya orang akan cakap. No. The answer is YES! This is very important nak tengok korang ni serious ke tak nak kerja dengan diorang. So masa aku, aku tanya what are the challenges of working here?

Tu jelah pengalaman yg aku boleh share. Nak highlight dekat sini, korang nampak tak banyak mistakes yg aku buat tapi diorang still ambil aku. Sebab apa? Rezeki. Rezeki Allah dah set dah untuk setiap orang. Kawan aku yg DL every sems pun still tengah cari tempat intern. But, it has to be along with efforts. Semoga berjaya with life. Life is hard but with efforts, Allah will make it easier for you In shaa Allah....