Currently i purchased one of the ellyaney igshop's product, carmela soap. Im super duper interested with all the feedbacks so ya. The owner is so kind, the delivery service also great. I paid two days ago and today i check the package is already here in post laju klang. So im gonna embedded my truthful feedback so stay tuned. Today is 2nd of August. I may get whats mine today or tomorrow. According to the feedback i may get the super amazed skin transformation within 3 days so ill update whats going to happen to my skin in 3 days. Again, stay tuned 😉👉
Excited to the max sebab banyak free gifts 🙊 *bukanmyigshop *forthesakeofgivingfeedbacks
Why carmela soap? Okay. My problem is that, muka putih tangan hitam. Muka not that putih tapi, people keep talking this diffrence is actually indicates that you are originally dark. But thats not true! Its not a problem to have a dark skin but since my face skin tone is wayyyyyy tooo different from my hand skin tone so they will question/assume that way la. I dont want that. Ridiculous you know that!. It just that i dont apply anything to my hands the same way i did to my face. And, i used to be an athlete too. Thats why i have that kind of problem. So, i decided to try up this carmela soap. Hope itll work ! ❤
Day more than 3
I know dah lebih 3 hari sebab still xnampak anything change pun. Hmmm memang ada rasa lembut sikit skin and sometimes nampak makin cerah sometimes tak. Aku takut it just my mindset yg fikir bila pakai je nampak cerah. Tapi bila tengok gambar sebelum selepas masih hitam soo dah cukup seminggu or lebih aku bagi feedback again. So, for me, change after 3 days is invalid lah 🙁 But itsokay soap banyak lagi 😉👌
A week after
Sad but true. It does brighten up your skin a bit. But i was hoping ill become fairer. My skin looks a tone brighter la. Okay lah th dari takda. Or maybe my skin jenis yang lambat sikit effect dia. Im gonna try until my second soap habis so feedback will be back after my 2nd soap habis lah. So stay tune ! 😉
This post is really the best on this valuable topic.
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Thank you so much Pradhan :)
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